Friday, January 17, 2014

Lemon Oil

Lemon oil is highly underrated, it has many good uses, and it is inexpensive.

In France they like to use it for “women slimming”:  1-2 drops 3-5 times a day in water, or twice daily with water for 3 weeks. 

There is a molecule called limonene in lemon and all the citrus oils. Research shows it can not only inhibit cancer but regress it. Orange oil is 95% limonene and lemon oil also has a lot of limonene.

Lemon oil is a powerful antiseptic and disinfectant used in many hospitals. According to Jean Valnet M.D. the vaporized essence of lemon oil can kill bacteria which can cause serious life threatening infections, including meningococcus in 15 minutes, typhoid in 1 hour, staphylococcus aureus in 2 hours, and pneumococcus within 3 hours.   

Here are a couple of my favorite uses:

I like to diffuse it because it is uplifting, and has been shown in research to dramatically improve mental accuracy and concentration. It does work for me.  

I enjoy 3-4 drops in a glass of water each morning to stimulate my body’s defenses against infection and to help keep my body alkaline.

I use a few drops when I wash produce such as salads, other veggies and fruits as a hedge against e-coli and other GI infections from contaminated produce. I recommend eating fresh produce as soon as you get it but sometimes you can’t do that. I also like to enjoy fresh berries for a few days, but somehow I used to manage to let some get moldy in the refrigerator by not using them all immediately. Not anymore. I know how to prevent this with lemon oil. It really works well.

Try it. Strawberries are in season right now at least in Florida. Buy some fresh strawberries. Put a couple aside unwashed. Wash the rest using a couple drops of lemon oil in the rinse water. You can rinse them again to take away the lemon taste.  Enjoy the berries but save a couple of the ones rinsed with lemon in the refrigerator and see how long they stay nice compared to the other ones. They may dry out if you keep them too long but they don’t get moldy, and they still even taste good.  

Cure warts. Put it on the wart, not the surrounding tissue once a day for about a week till it falls off.

Lemon oil is good for cold sores, or for a cough in a teaspoonful of honey or a cup of hot tea with honey.

Lemon oils makes it easy to take off price stickers.  

This testimonial was borrowed with permission from Jean-Marie Hepworth Zia Essential Connection newsletter titled “Essential Oils Cool It”: “I had problems with acid reflux for many years. I was eating Tums and Rolaids to alleviate burning in my esophagus. Now first thing in the morning I drink a glass of water with a few drops of Peppermint and Lemon Oil in it. After a meal I drink a small glass of peppermint in water. My digestive system hasn’t been this healthy for years, and as a result I feel great! Young Living therapeutic grade essential oils have changed my life!” Patti Cook

Here are a few great suggestions from other Young Living distributors:

“Put a couple drops of lemon oil in your drinking water to purify the water. It also tastes great.”

Sore throat “Mix 1 drop of lemon oil in half glass of warm water. Mix well then gargle.”

“Using 1-2 drops of lemon oil works well in removing gum, oil and grease spots”

“I add lemon oil to a spray bottle of water and spray surfaces in the bathroom and anywhere else I want to disinfect or deodorize. It also sanitizes the bathroom fixtures. It is great for diffusing to purify and deodorize the air. If you don’t have a cold air diffuser, add a few drops of oil in a spray bottle with water and mist the air.”

“After cleaning fish, lemon oil removes fishy smell from fingers instantly.”

“It’s also good to use in the dishwasher for sanitizing and fragrance! Lemony clean smell will fill the room when opening the machine. Nice. “

Garbage disposals: “A great way to freshen your garbage disposal is to use a few drops of citrus oils. About 5 drops of orange or lemon makes the garbage disposal smell great.”

From the Young Living e-newsletter: Vicki Larsen submitted the following tip: “I used lemon essential oil to degrease my very greasy hands after fixing my daughter’s bike chain, The grease came right off.”

Try this recipe from Young Living Cookbook, Volume 1:

Lemon Yogurt Sauce

Stevia extract (sweeten to taste), 6 drops of lemon oil, 1 qt. plain unsweetened yogurt  – stir well and use as a sauce over fruit, berries, or desserts.  Makes 1 quart.  Recipe submitted by Cher Hunter.

These are just a few of the many wonderful uses for lemon essential oil. Enjoy!

The one caution is that citrus oils should not be applied to skin areas that will be exposed to sunlight or UV light within 24 hours.

Citrus oils are obtained by cold pressing the peel. Young Living’s lemon oil is $11.25 wholesale or $14.80 retail for a 15 ml bottle which has about 300 drops. It is pure and has no pesticides in it.

It is important to know your source. If pesticides are used they will be taken up into the skin and the oil of the citrus.    

Wishing you the best of health and lotsof joy!

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